Why do we tend to forget that the reason we are alive in this world is because of our parents, the reason we survived diseases is due to parental care? But when the time comes to show our respect, to show our love, to show our gratitude, we back out. Even when they are counting their last breath, they are still thinking of us. Out of every 10 elderly couples in India, 6 are forced by their children to leave their homes. Isn’t this inhuman? They have to resort to old age homes, which do not guarantee first class treatment. Children find it hard to accept the fact that a time comes when their parents need love and care from them. There comes a time when parents want to relax and want their children to reciprocate their care. Every day, we see the news that parents are being beaten by their children and are forced to do household work, made to live in unpleasant conditions. Many senior citizens living with their children are reportedly facing abuse, making the situation grim for them.
Most of the elderly have nutritional deficiencies and they suffer from many diseases like Arthritis, hypertension, hearing impairment, defective vision, diabetes etc. They are not given proper care and treatment due to which they suffer. Change is socio- economic status and various health problems adversely affect an individual’s way of life. There are various geriatric counselling centres to take care of their physical and psychological needs but they are not aware of this facility. There are many others problems that the elder people of our society suffer from. The old age period is of physical decline as people’s skin becomes rough and loses their elasticity. Mental disorders are very much associated with the old age. Decline in the mental ability makes them dependent and due to a generation gap the youngsters do not pay attention to their suggestions and advice.
Instead of developing a sympathetic attitude, they start asserting their rights and show dominance. This leads to feelings of deprivation of importance and dignity amongst the elderly. Some older people lose support when their spouse passes away, which results in the feeling of loneliness and isolation. Also, retirement from their service results in a loss of income and pensions that they receive are usually inadequate to meet the average standard of living. The diagnosis and treatment of their disease proves more burdensome for them.
There is provision in our constitution to preserve the rights of aged people above 60. Chapter IV of the Constitution of India provides Directive Principles of State Policy, Article 41 of the Constitution secures the rights of senior citizens to employment, education and public assistance. It also ensures that the state must uphold these rights in cases of disability, old age or sickness. Article 46 provides the educational and economic rights of the elder people. In spite of these provisions which are enshrined in our Constitution many elderly people still suffer from trauma.
So, it’s our moral obligation to provide maintenance and strengthen our family care and support system. Elders need to remain active, have a part to play in the family and in the community and can make useful contributions to the society as well the nation.

Priya Singh @samacharline

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