

You give me feels that people write novels about I can say I love you without a doubt I don’t need commitment just need to stay as long as you can Leave planning let’s live for once unplanned I don’t want you to be bound to me Want you to


We love to hear voices, people’s voices Familiar voices, and some unfamiliar yet soothing ones too! Voices that make us comfortable Ones that make us feel better even when we are alone! These voices constitute of honey filled words Some poetries, some stories and some songs Words which were long-


Darkness ,full of darkness His mind is full of darkness No light can erase the wound Which cause his mind He is all alone Utterly,he is all alone! He is tired, extremely tired He is unable to express his feelings Sometimes sad,sometimes anger Sad or anger? Now he totally insane

THE SPILT INK: Alive, am I?

Delved so deep in to a dream. I got lost along the way it seems, woke up in a nightmare. Murmuring things I didn’t mean and now the clock is ticking. A pendulum of searing pain backwards, forwards and repeat! At least for me the pain is sweet, to be

Body shaming : Subjugation of Life

(Too thin, too fat, too tall, too short, too milky, too dusky, too much of everything, too much of body shaming. living in a society of narrowly constructed beauty standards what comes to you naturally have always been bullied, unless and until you fit into the that constructive model of

Small Pain In My Chest by Michael Mack

(This poem was taken from the 10th grade ICSE English literature text book,     the dialogue between a young soldier and a man crossing by battlefield after the battle takes a reader to the another level of experience that visualizes the scenario of the war and lives.) The soldier


I wanna wear my pride, not impersonate manly stride. Not equal were we born Not equal were we adorn, In our life, we face unequal tides, So what equality do we strive? I wanna wear my pride, not impersonate manly stride. To have a choice of my life, And the


The Caller: One hand on the phone, other hand on the trigger, all my life I have been alone, no other way can I figure, my sweet way to the gravestone, I try to forget my grief over the headphone, in this miniscule life my problems have only gotten bigger,

BUDDING WINGS: Questions that matter! – BY Deepannita Sarma

Why are the weak, naive and innocent always blamed For crimes they never committed, why are they shamed? When they’re victims of something so huge Picking up their faults, all you do is rant and abuse? Why are their voices always silenced Humanity dragged down, morality twisted and bent! Trying

Promise yourself ! By – Rishita Lundia

Promise yourself to, Step out of the comfort Face the heat of the world Leave even the support of your shadow Because you know it is time to grow And people to let go Afraid of the snow?No you shall still glow.     Promise yourself that, You will always

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